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Best Tools to Track Customer Satisfaction in 2024 – Insights from a Top Creative Agency in Abu Dhabi

Customer satisfaction is crucial to any business strategy. In a context where consumers demand personalized attention, tailor-made offers, and a qualitative experience, their loyalty depends on your ability to meet these expectations. Dissatisfaction can quickly direct them to your competitors, impacting your results and your retention rate.

Evaluating your customers’ feelings and implementing improvement actions are necessary to ensure customer relationship stable and long-term loyalty. O2 Creative Agency in Abu Dhabi will focus on the methods and tools to effectively measure your user’s satisfaction

Why Is It Important To Measure Customer Satisfaction?

  • Understanding customer needs and expectations

Measuring customer satisfaction gives you a better understanding of what your customers want from you. Think of each piece of feedback as a conversation with your customers. When they take the time to share their experiences, they offer you a goldmine of information. Knowing what pleases or frustrates them helps you adjust your products and services to perfectly meet their expectations. By actively listening to your customers, you can show them that you truly care about their opinions and satisfaction.

  • Retain Existing Customers

A happy customer is a loyal customer. When you take the time to measure their satisfaction, you can identify areas where you excel and areas that need improvement. For example, a creative agency in Abu Dhabi can respond quickly and efficiently to your customers’ needs, you build their trust in your brand. Happy customers always come back, and better yet, they become loyal customers. ambassadors of your brand, recommending your products or services to their loved ones. Customer loyalty is not only more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, but it also creates a lasting and mutually beneficial relationship.

  • Improve Brand Image

Your reputation is valuable, and customer satisfaction plays a key role in how your brand is perceived. Dissatisfied customers are more likely to share their bad experiences, especially in the age of social media. By regularly measuring customer satisfaction, you can anticipate potential issues and address them before they impact your business. Good customer satisfaction management can turn negative experiences into opportunities for improvement. In addition, satisfied customers will speak positively about your business, which will strengthen your brand image and attract new customers.

What Are The Tools For Collecting Customer Feedback?

To determine the level of satisfaction, O2 Creative Agency in Abu Dhabi suggests several methods. However, the majority of them are based on active listening or passive listening to your target. Depending on your objectives and the nature of your company, it is necessary to choose the practices that seem most relevant and adapted to your resources.

  • Satisfaction Surveys

Finally, we have the satisfaction survey. It is the most complete tool because:

  • A survey can be one-off or regular
  • A survey can allow you to track both quantitative and qualitative satisfaction indices

In addition, it provides the opportunity to express yourself in depth on specific points of your offer.

Depending on your needs, you can send your surveys at different times of customer experience, thus, evaluating all the stages of the journey proposed by your company :

  • A survey after booking
  • A survey immediately after purchase
  • or several months after its completion
  • Following contact with your company (such as a call to customer service or an exchange on social networks).

As we explained above, a satisfaction survey is ideal for obtaining your NPS, CSAT, or CES. The satisfaction survey therefore allows you to quickly identify the rate of dissatisfied customers and undertake corrective measures. Above all, the satisfaction survey allows you to collect numerous qualitative returns thanks to its sending flexibility. It can also be shared:

  • By Email: The most popular channel in the relationship between brands and customers to date.
  • By SMS: The more conversational channel that proves to be extremely effective if used at the right time and not too often.
  • Via QR Code: It proves to be an engaging asset for your review collection by slipping into different communication media (receipt, bill, flyer, poster in establishment, package, etc.)
  • Via Tablet: fun, the tablet has two major advantages. It can be presented after the person has purchased or made an appointment to present your approach and make your need for feedback understood. In addition, it can allow older people to also share their feedback. Your teams can guide them in using the tablet and then their loved ones can check their answers with them through email validation.
  • Via NFC Chip: less known to the general public, the NFC chip can be more engaging with younger generations. Placed near the cash registers or at any other strategic location in your establishment, it can automatically send your survey to your buyers’ smartphones. Thus, it can encourage them to quickly leave a review before leaving your establishment.

What Are The Customer Satisfaction Indicators To Monitor and How Can They Be Calculated?

To measure satisfaction, you must start by auditing your existing strategy. To do this, different key performance indicators, called satisfaction indices or KPIs, will help you. Then, they will allow you to manage your long-term strategy. To collect them, you must administer a qualitative study and/or quantitative study. Complementing one with the other will allow you to gain more insights.

However, we would like to warn you. There are many satisfaction indicators and you would waste time measuring them all. Therefore, focus on the effectiveness of KPIs rather than the quantity of indicators. Three indices are particularly essential:

  1. The NPS
  2. The CSAT
  3. The CES

Best Tools to Track Customer Satisfaction in 2024 – Insights from a Top Creative Agency in Abu Dhabi

How To Calculate NPS or Net Promoter Score?

The Net Promoter Score or NPS is the satisfaction indicator that is used to determine a buyer’s propensity to recommend your brand. Integrated into a satisfaction survey, it allows you to know the long-term satisfaction rate of your customers.

With this indicator, your company seeks to know if its customers will speak well of your offer to those around them, family, friends, and colleagues. As we mentioned above, transformed into brand ambassadors, your customers promote the sale of your products and services to new users.

Within a satisfaction questionnaire, THENPS is calculated by adding a question such as:

“On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our products or services to those around you?”

Also, the answers given to this question allow you to classify them into three categories:

  1. Detractors: They are not satisfied with your offer. They are likely to express their dissatisfaction to their friends and family or online.
  2. Passives: They are neutral. These consumers will express neither negative nor positive feelings about your brand.
  3. Promoters: These are your brand ambassadors. Because they are satisfied or even delighted with what they have purchased, they are very likely to recommend your offer.

Once you have the results, your goal is to reduce the number of detractors while increasing the number of promoters.

How To Calculate CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score

THECustomer Satisfaction Score or CSAT is ideal for measuring short-term satisfaction and on a specific topic. For example, if you want to know your customers’ satisfaction with your customer service, CSAT will be the indicator to favor.

To collect as many responses as possible, we recommend that you calculate this score by including a question in your satisfaction surveys such as:

“Are you satisfied with your last exchange with our customer service?”

To answer this question, he will then have the choice between various options ranging from “Very satisfied” to “Not at all satisfied”.

Next, to calculate CSAT, take the percentage of positive responses and compare it to the total number of responses.

For example, if 80 out of 100 customers are satisfied, your CSAT would be:


CSAT  is a highly effective indicator that allows you to improve specific points of your strategy. For example, it can guide you on improvements to be made to your marketing actions or elements of your customer relationship that need to be reviewed.

How To Calculate CES or Customer Effort Score

Finally, the CES measures the effort your customer makes to achieve a step in the customer journey.

These different actions may require more or less effort:

  • Finding information on your website.
  • Successfully reached customer service.
  • Use a feature of your product.
  • Complete a purchase.

The question displayed in your  satisfaction survey will look like this:

“On a scale of 1 to 5, how much effort did it take you to reach customer service?”

For example, if the answers are [1, 2, 3, 2, 1], the average would be: (1+2+3+2+1)/5=1.8

A low score is ideal because it means your customers find it easy to do business with you.

These friction points or pain points can appear at any time during the journey. However, it is important to identify them to eliminate them and offer a quality customer experience. Providing a seamless customer experience will help your company increase both its conversion rate and its loyalty rate.

To Wrap Things Up

It has been proven that customer service costs go down and revenues go up when customer satisfaction improves. Even if you have a lot of customers, that doesn’t guarantee your success. This is because if your competitors’ customers are happier and more engaged, their revenues are likely to be higher than yours.

That’s why it’s important to measure customer satisfaction as they are your silent partner and how well you meet their needs and expectations will translate into loyalty, growth, and success. Only then will you know how well you’re doing. You’ll also know what areas need improvement if you want to keep your customers as happy as possible.

That’s what our creative agency in Abu Dhabiwill do when it comes to marketing your business.

Let’s build something great